Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Day of Mild Indignation

I visited the advising office at community college today.  I may be a bit of a college snob, having already completed a four-year engineering degree, but I think that i am beginning to understand why the nontraditional students always seemed to have a chip on their shoulder.

The clerk at the advising desk, who's good it was to watch you type your student number into a computer and talk down to you was a man of about 60 and on oxygen.  I am not sure why they hire someone for the job of watching people do what the person behind the desk could more efficiently do and then bitch at them when it is not done correctly, but such is the way of community college.  After a wait of about 20 minutes, I got in to see the advisor who was pleasant and helpful.  It was refreshing not to be talked down to.

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