Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Those Three Days

Saturday, Sunday and Monday -- the first three days of May.  I started my leave by making a list of things to get done in the time that I will be off of work, some related to finding a job or new career, others not.

In order to make this experience meaningful, it will be necessary to occupy the mind and body.  Saturday was not much different than any other Saturday.  Tanya and I went to the Farmer's Market and got some eggs from Karin and a few other things.  The rest of the day was spent putzing around, doing laundry and fixing things.

Sunday, Tanya left for Chicago with Sherry.  I took her to the airport around 7a.  Normally, I would stop on the way home and have breakfast somewhere like the Corner Cafe or IHOP.  In light of my recent layoff, I went home and had breakfast there.  Tanya suggested that I fix the country cured ham hanging in the basement while she was in Chicago.  In her opinion, country cured ham tastes like a pig jockstrap after he's run a marathon.

Sunday also brought a response to a resume that I sent out on Saturday.  An industrial metal fabricator called.  He may want me to come in in the coming week.  I am not sure how well I fit with what they are looking for.  I think there is a possibility of some contract work though.

I spoke to Mike, a former coworker now on his own, about his work and where he is seeing opportunity.  We may be able to work together on some projects depending on what either of us can turn up.

Monday was the first real day without a job.  I have only been laid off once before -- in 1992.  I saw it coming then too.  I was offered another job the afternoon, after being laid off that morning. So, it's really been since 1990, 20 years, since I haven't known where or when my next paycheck was coming.  I am strangely serene about it, with a feeling that things will work out.  We have plans (predating the layoff) for a trip to Ghana in July.  If I don't work before then, we should be able to make it.

Finally got motivated to shower and dress around 9:30a.  Picked up Coco (son's dog)at my ex-wife's house and took her to the vet.  Then had lunch at 5 Guys,   The afternoon was spent at Longview Community College taking the Compass test.  They were very impressed with my math prowess and I did well in all subjects.

Daniel wanted to come to dinner and have leftover ham, so he did.  Picked up Tanya at the airport.

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